Blackle : Save the energy when using internet

I would like to share some of my idea in saving the energy when you are using the internet. Many internet users love to use Google, but I would like to introduce another energy saving search engine that is also powered by Google: Blackle (

Blackle is similar with the Google search engine, the only different is Blackle is Blackle is "Black" in color and the words is display in white, it is quite different with some (or we said MOST) of the search which is in White in color.

Why use Blackle?
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. Research says that "a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." A White Screen display at the monitor consume more power than a black screen.

In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.

What do Blackle contribute to the environment?
As explain as above, Blackle save energy, you will see a meter shows that how many energy had been saved since the existence of Blackle. Until now (09 August 2009), Blackle have saved 1,383,445.995 Watt on the energy, the helps to prevent global warming.

What can we do to reduce global warming?
Just a simple one, you can just made Blackle as your home page or default search engine, start from today. You can also follow some safety tips that Blackle suggested in their Blackle Energy Saving Tips page or follow Blackle on twitter

Together we share and spread the ideas that can saves our environment.


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